
The UN World Food Programme (WFP) has recently launched a call for proposal, inviting eligible organisations to implement the activities that aim to contribute to improvement of community resilience and enhance livelihood by creation or rehabilitation of assets, to increase food security and mitigate the climate change and disaster related risks.

The activities need to address the alarming decline in agricultural production due to increased frequency and intensity of natural hazards and/or climate change impacts resulting in severe losses of incomes, higher levels of food insecurity, and poor living conditions in the most vulnerable people from WFP recommended (8) townships in Kachin, Sagaing and Mon state/regions.

Mon State - Bilin, Kyaikto
Kachin State - Mogaung, Mohnyin, Myitkyina
Sagaing Region - Lahe, Layshi, Nanyun

Please submit your proposals by 31st July 2024 to not miss this opportunity.

More details and submission link on MIMU’s Call for Proposals page.

With over 2,500 assessments/publications reported by 197 organizations so far, MIMU Assessment Tracking is an important exercise to gather information on completed, ongoing and planned assessments, surveys and publications countrywide. Agencies are invited to contribute in this latest round as it will ultimately help the Information Management efforts in Myanmar by supporting coordination among actors and avoiding duplication. Please share the updates here as per the guideline.

The deadline for updated inputs is 9th July 2024 so that your agency’s inputs can be included in the Overview Dashboard and MIMU Assessments/Publications Tracking Page.

Following the release of other products in the latest MIMU HDP Nexus 5W round of February 2024, we are pleased to announce the release of the final product from this round, the MIMU HDP Nexus 5W trend analysis report. This report analyses the changes and trends of activities reported to the MIMU HDP Nexus 5W between August 2020 and February 2024. Here, it is important to note that the MIMU HDP Nexus 5W captures voluntary information from agencies on the sector, geographical area and status of activities, but does not cover the number of people reached nor the extent to which needs are met.

Your inputs have been crucial to the development of MIMU HDP Nexus 5W since its inception in 2007. We invite you to share your feedback, suggestions and any inquiries regarding this analysis via [email protected]. Additional details and more MIMU HDP Nexus 5W products can be found in the MIMU HDP Nexus 5W page.

We would like to extend our gratitude to all agencies, especially 5W focal points, for your active participation in this exercise, and we look forward to your continuing cooperation and support for the next round. Please share your comments and feedback with us via the contact form.

The latest MIMU village-level township maps, updated in accordance with Pcode version 9.5, are now available on the GIS resources page of the MIMU website.

Recently released earlier this month, “SeePuuYar” is a a free e-learning platform in Myanmar language where users can learn many IM skills such as data management, GIS, and remote sensing. Based on WordPress and open-source Moodle Learning Management System (LMS), the platform has features for self-paced learning through full online certificate courses.

MIMU Bulletins provide a periodical overview of MIMU's activities, products, services, and achievements in an illustrated and interactive format, complementing the MIMU Catalogue of Activities & Achievements.

In this edition in both Myanmar Language and English Language, MIMU’s activities in the latter 6-month of 2023 are covered, highlighting our continued commitment to core products and services such as HDP Nexus 5W, Assessments / Publications tracking, and trainings.

MIMU Bulletins provide a periodical overview of MIMU's activities, products, services, and achievements in an illustrated and interactive format, complementing the MIMU Catalogue of Activities & Achievements.

In this edition, MIMU’s activities in the latter 6-month of 2023 are covered, highlighting our continued commitment to core products and services such as HDP Nexus 5W, Assessments / Publications tracking, and trainings.

The latest map from MIMU explores seismic activity in Myanmar and nearby regions over the last 100 years. More resources can also be found in MIMU’s dedicates page for earthquake emergency preparedness and response.

The latest MIMU Myanmar Pcode version 9.5 (February 2024) is the result of the MIMU village mapping exercise which was collaboratively performed with inputs from field agencies. The most significant changes documented in this version are as follows;

  • 154 new villages were added in 11 townships in Tanintharyi, Mon and Mandalay.
  • 280 villages’ coordinates were newly added in 28 townships of 9 states/regions.
  • 1,128 villages’ coordinates were modified in 150 townships in all states/regions.

Detailed information of these and earlier changes is available in PDF and Excel formats.

In order to implement the Pcodes properly in your datasets, MIMU PCoder has also been updated, providing users with 3 dataset versions (9.5 or 9.4 or 9.2) and the flexibility to opt for place names in English or Myanmar (Unicode). You can use it to match PCode and place names as well as to get the coordinates of villages and towns along with their respective place codes and names. Guidelines in both Myanmar and English are now available.

All the release Pcode products can be found on the MIMU PCode Webpage.

Try this week's the MIMU updated overview dashboard shows 2,534 assessments contributed by 197 agencies across 25 sectors of humanitarian and development activities. To find more detailed information of assessments/publications, please visit MIMU Assessments and Publications webpage.

As can be seen in the newly released Overview Dashboard of Assessment Tracking (February 2024), 52% of the reported assessments/publications have been done for countrywide level, followed by Rakhine (13%), then those in Kayin, Sagaing, Shan (North), Mandalay and Kachin.

Please find more detailed information of assessments/publications through the link HERE.
Thanks to all agencies for active participation in this exercise.

Please contact [email protected] for any further query, and be sure to share information on planned, ongoing or completed assessment/publications.