
MIMU's Infographics on Gender Equality in Myanmar in both Myanmar Language and English Language have been updated with data from 2014 to 2021, with support from UNFPA Myanmar. It is now also available as an interactive dashboard.

Myanmar’s 2021 state of gender equality in reproductive health, empowerment, and the labor market was summarised with developments (or lack thereof) since 2014.

MIMU Analytical Briefs shine a light on topical, emerging and under-explored issues relevant to humanitarian and development support in Myanmar based on analysis of available information. Building on topics included in the MIMU-HARP Vulnerability Study and available data, MIMU's Analytical Briefs contribute to further understanding of the vulnerability of Myanmar’s population, countrywide.

Total of four analytical briefs along with accompanying infographics, dashboards, methodology guides, and data sets were released in 2021 and 2022. The reports and infographics are produced in English and Myanmar languages.

Ready-to-use Maps and Icons for Presentations and Reports
It shouldn't take years of GIS expertise and hours of tinkering to use just simple yet beautiful maps in your presentations and reports. In this PowerPoint file, you will find the maps of Myanmar at the country, state/region, district, and township levels along with humanitarian icons from OCHA -- all compiled in easy-to-use and extremely customizable formats.

MIMU’s Map Maker – make your own maps to support your work
The MIMU Map Maker allows MIMU users to explore available spatial data layers on Myanmar such as terrain, settlements, and admin boundaries, and to create their own maps to support their humanitarian and development activities. It is built on the cloud-based ArcGIS Online software. This dynamic project is free to use with attribution and will be continuously updated as newer data becomes available.

Please share updates, feedback, and any errors or omissions via [email protected]

Courtesy of PSEA Myanmar, MIMU's YouTube Channel is now hosting the beautifully animated staff training and community videos on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse. As a matter of fact, it is never acceptable for any person in a position of power to abuse their authority under any circumstances and especially against the most vulnerable. This is especially true for staff working in the humanitarian, development and peace sector and these videos aim to bring extra awareness to the staff and the community they are serving.

New versions of MIMU Administrative Maps, Physical Maps and States/Regions and Townships Map are now available with the updated information.

The MIMU Photo Archive is a new platform developed to share images of agencies’  humanitarian, development and peace-focused activities in Myanmar. It enables registered agencies to showcase their activities to a wider audience and serves as a library of photos to support registered agencies’ information sharing and reporting needs.

MIMU Analytical Briefs shine a light on topical, emerging and under-explored issues relevant to humanitarian and development support in Myanmar based on analysis of available information. This second Analytical Brief focuses on the situation of persons with disabilities in Myanmar. It compares, for the first time, the disability prevalence rate between 2014 and 2019 providing a resource for more inclusive initiatives and policies.

The following are available as products of this analytical brief:

MIMU Website Guide in English and Myanmar has been updated. This one-page overview of the MIMU website contents helps you know ‘where’ to look for ‘what’ specific products and information.

MIMU’s newly released Emergency Preparedness Dashboard allows key indicators relevant for emergency response to be viewed across townships. The dashboard was developed with publicly available information including the 2018 MIMU Vulnerability Analysis the, 2020 MIMU Baseline Dataset, the 2019 Inform Index for Myanmar and 2019/2020 IDP information from several sources.

Reports from 2020 and 2021 have indicated sharp increases in poverty in Myanmar following the COVID-19 pandemic and the events following February 2021. If unchecked, the combined effect of these two crises could push up to 12 million people into poverty and put as many as 25 million people – nearly half of Myanmar’s population – below the poverty line.

MIMU's Poverty and Vulnerability page gathers together recent reports, resources and information on poverty and vulnerability in Myanmar – please share any resources that could be included through [email protected]