The submission period for the February 2025 round of MIMU HDP Nexus 5W concluded on 11 March, and data processing has already begun. However, there is still a short window until 21 March 2025 if your organization has any remaining 5W inputs you'd like to include in this round.
As of 13 March 2025, 156 organizations have provided their 5W updates. We sincerely thank each organisation for actively participating in this exercise and look forward to your continued support in the next rounds (tentatively in August).
For any further queries and help with inputs, please contact us via 09 7740 77761, or email [email protected]
We’d like to request your inputs through a survey to help us build the next version of the MIMU website.
As you may know, the MIMU website was launched in 2008 to support Myanmar’s humanitarian, development, and peace communities and has significantly grown since then. The current version has been around since 2014, and a previously planned update was unfortunately cancelled due to challenges in 2021. Given the situation in Myanmar with the growing need for better support, we believe now is the right time to update one of the most essential tools: the MIMU website.
The survey will only take about 10 minutes of your time. You can access it through the link or by clicking on the banner image above.
Please complete the survey by next Wednesday, 19 Mar 2025 COB. We appreciate your valuable feedback.
The dedicated Gender Sector page on MIMU website disseminates resources and data on women and girls, supporting gender-related humanitarian and development activities, and promoting advocacy on gender issues. In addition, we are also hosting the Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) webpage, as well as a dedicated page for the Gender in Humanitarian Action Working Group (GiHA WG), launched in October 2024.
Gender-focused programmes are included in the MIMU HDP Nexus 5W. In August 2024’s 5W round, 1,082 reported activities related to gender and gender-based violence were recorded, accounting for around 1% of all reported activities.
MIMU trainings also support professional women in humanitarian and development careers. We paid careful attention to promoting gender equality and opportunity in participant selection: of the 372 technical trainees in 2024, 208 were women.
Through data and information management practices, we are working to promote a better understanding of the challenges facing women and girls in Myanmar, while also highlighting the need for more comprehensive sex-disaggregated data.
MIMU Baseline Dataset has recently been updated.
It now includes data from 2024 international reports and dashboards such as the UNSD Statistical Yearbook, ADB Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific, and the World Bank’s World Development Indicators dashboard. Over 100 SDG-related indicators have been added, drawn primarily from the UNSD Myanmar SDG Country Profile dashboard.
You can now access the Excel dataset containing 384 indicators from 296 sources, covering the period 2014–2024. For a better understanding of these indicators, we recommend reviewing the metadata file. An updated Baseline Dataset Dashboard is also available for a more interactive, user-friendly experience.
If you need sector- or region-specific information, specialized datasets are provided. You can also request further customized data via our request form.
International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) has produced the annually updated landmine monitor report for Myanmar and is now available in both English and Myanmar languages.
For the first time, Myanmar has more casualties due to landmines than any other country in the world in the previous calendar year, with at least three casualties every day.
Casualties and contamination are reported in all states and regions, except Nay Pyi Taw. Casualties were recorded in 134 townships, and at least 190 (57%) townships are contaminated.
There is a significant increase in contamination and casualties, as well as hazards posed by explosive remnants of war (ERW), with one ERW casualty every three days.
Explore the report for more insights.
Review this recently released report on the Market Analysis Unit’s page.
Did you know that, in the second half of 2024 …
- We produced 20 satellite-based flood maps in September/October 2024 in response to the Yagi floods?
- You can follow our social media channels for latest flood updates?
- Our infographics highlighted the worsening situation for women and girls in Myanmar?
- 160 people joined our trainings?
If you've engaged with any of these, thank you for being a dedicated user. We hope you found them useful. If not, don’t worry as this MIMU Bulletin offers an in-depth, interactive overview of these activities that you can look forward to using in 2025.
During this period, our support for humanitarian, development, and peace (HDP) initiatives across Myanmar included:
- Flood Preparedness and Response
- 16 Days of Activism Campaign
- MIMU HDP Nexus 5W
- Trainings
This edition was developed as an interactive infographic for the first time, allowing you to explore the data in depth. If you prefer offline versions, you can also download the PDF infographics:
In addition to the Bulletin above, if you want to learn more about everything MIMU has to offer, please browse the newly updated catalogue of MIMU’s products and services. Now built as an interactive presentation in Canva, we will keep it updated monthly with our latest offerings.
The latest version of MIMU Myanmar Place Codes (version 9.6, February 2025) includes updates on many villages across the country. These updates result from the MIMU village mapping exercise, which was carried out collaboratively with input from our field partner agencies. The most significant changes in this version are as follows:
- 44 new villages were added in 19 townships across 7 states/regions.
- 954 villages’ coordinates were newly added in 75 townships across 14 states/regions.
- 1,198 villages’ coordinates were modified in 21 townships across 5 states/regions.
Detailed information of these and earlier changes is available in PDF and Excel formats. The updated P-codes can be found on the MIMU website’s Place Codes page, along with a Pcode Submissions and Corrections Form through which to share corrections and information on new villages which may not be included in the MIMU Pcode listing.
MIMU PCoder has also been updated, providing users with several options including a selection among 4 dataset versions (9.6 or 9.5 or 9.4 or 9.2) and the flexibility to opt for place names in English or Myanmar (Unicode). You can use it to match PCode and place names as well as to get the coordinates of villages and towns along with their respective place codes and names. Guidelines in both Myanmar and English are now available. Users can also find the guideline video file on the MIMU PCode Webpage.
With this update, we can now map 53,857 villages out of recorded 66,657 villages in MIMU Database.
We are pleased to inform you that in March 2025, MIMU will offer a 5-day intensive online training course in the use of Geographic Information System / GIS application for humanitarian and development activities.
The training is free of charge and the number of seats is limited to twenty five (25) only. Applicants must proactively submit the application by themselves before the deadline. MIMU has the right to select the applicants according to eligible criteria and availability of seats. If you are selected, you must submit an approval letter from your organization or supervisor and you must be able to attend full-time for 5 days.
Apply directly online at
Deadline of application: 18th February 2025
Deadline of Confirmation: 21st February 2025
Training Period: March 3rd to March 7th, 2025 (5 days) 9:00 am to 4:30pm daily
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