MIMU Basic Mapping Course

Maps are windows into information that allow us to explore our world, understand it better, and engage with it more efficiently.

In this day and age of modern computers, spatial information is processed by GIS (Geographic Information Systems). GIS-based software allows people to create, store, manage, query, analyze, and visualize geographic data to solve spatial problems and make smarter decisions especially in the context of humanitarian, development and peace applications.

This Myanmar-language MIMU course explores the basic concepts of cartography and mapping and the use of free online tools as MIMU Map Maker and Google My Maps. It aims to inspire users to reconsider what maps can do and what be done with them, to focus the map message and design effective maps based on an understanding of how people read them.

We’ll guide you through the map-making process to show how to implement good design decisions and become a smarter map-maker. Start your journey with the Basic Mapping Theory section.

Please share your feedback with us on how you find the courses and especially on how they have helped your work through the MIMU Training Feedback Form.

Basic Mapping Theory

This section contains all the theory content of the training including concepts and steps to access to MIMU Map Maker and Google My Maps.

Basic Mapping Concepts

This section includes videos with all the basic concepts of cartography and maps.

MIMU – Map Maker

This section explores the concepts of GIS and guides you through using the MIMU Map Maker (ArcGIS Online tool). It also includes the training videos and materials on using in the tool.

Google My Maps

This section guides you through making a map in Google My Maps. It also includes the detailed guidelines, training videos and materials for the exercises.